Desktime android
Desktime android

desktime android
  1. #Desktime android software
  2. #Desktime android professional

They enjoy the flexibility this way of working can grant them. Many people have proved that remote work can be just as productive (and sometimes even more so) than spending time in the office. And we managed to do all that while working remotely. We doubled our support staff, introduced face-to-face demo calls for our clients, and promptly expanded the capacity of our servers. If we'd had a clearly defined development roadmap at the beginning of the pandemic, we now had to put that aside and shift our focus on the quality of our service. We had to take a long hard look at our goals and objectives. Our customer portfolio changed considerably as the Indian market started to dominate, and we saw an increase in internet connectivity problems. It was a lot to handle for our support team since we had to face unprecedented obstacles. It didn't take long for the number of our new customers to triple.

desktime android

We saw the fastest growth last year when the c19 pandemic hit. What was the biggest challenge that you faced while working towards DeskTime's growth and how did you overcome it especially in this New Normal? They're highly skilled professionals who work in-house and also manage outsourced teams that we continue to employ.

desktime android

Now that we've grown our revenue and have significantly more projects on our hands, we've hired in-house staff.

#Desktime android professional

This allowed us to stay in control of all our expenses and gave us a lot of flexibility while receiving professional services at the same time. We did precisely that by outsourcing marketing, content marketing, SEO, advertising, and even design. You don't need full-time employees during the beginning stages, besides outsourcing lets you move forward faster and easier. We made an effort to outsource as many business processes as possible. One of our biggest formulas of success was the idea to outsource professionals of their respective fields. What is your success formula? Something you have followed personally that has helped you in your personal and professional journey The internal application was already fully developed and widely used among the Draugiem Group team, and they'd realized that the tool could be helpful for other companies. I joined DeskTime after five years as the head of marketing for one of the world's largest pharmaceutical companies GlaxoSmithKline. The main idea of the time tracking software, from day one, was to increase workplace transparency between employees and management and to make sure work time is spent faithfully. It was essential to create fair working conditions so that people who arrived at work at 9 am could leave at 5 pm while those who started the working day later also left at a later time. The idea was to create a tool to measure the team's productivity and hours spent at work since Draugiem Group has been an advocate for flexible working hours for more than a decade, allowing its employees to start work till 11 am. Our readers are keen to know what prompted you to create DeskTime? Tell us about your journey so far?ĭeskTime was created in 2011 as an in-house project for Draugiem Group's biggest project at the time – the social platform Here’s an excerpt from the interview: A warm welcome from SoftwareSuggest Mr. Rozentals throws light on his journey, mission, and long-term vision for his product. A leading time tracking and management tool, DeskTime advocates for the employee as much as the employer. He talks candidly about his success formula and how he had a clearly defined roadmap for DeskTime’s growth over the years. Today, we are fortunate to have interviewed Mr Artis Rozentals, CEO of DeskTime.

#Desktime android software

In such a scenario, time tracking software is a must-have business tool to increase transparency between employees and management to ensure time is spent productively. Flexible work arrangements are the new normal! Organizations across the globe have transitioned to remote work models that facilitate a smooth work-life balance.

Desktime android