Real boxing
Real boxing

real boxing

Pull down and your combatant will throw out an uppercut, while up produces a quick jab everything on the right side will come from the right fist and vice versa. However, we never found ourselves using these inputs, as all of the commands are applied to the right analogue stick, too. Specific punches are mapped to the face buttons, with the d-pad covering jabs, uppercuts, and hooks from the left fist, while Sony’s famous face buttons focus on the right fist. Once you’ve made your beefy brawler your own, it's time for action, and the game controls surprisingly well for something that previously existed with touch screen controls only. Extra customisation pieces, including shorts, gloves, and boots, are also available, albeit for a small, in-game fee – but these are really only limited to different colours of existing items.

#Real boxing skin

You can assign a name, place tattoos, and change head and facial hairstyles, but peculiarly, not alter minor things like face shape or skin colour.

real boxing

Upon starting the game, you’ll be asked to customise your boxer, and while not as in-depth as Saints Row IV’s impressive customisation suite, there is enough to distinguish yourself from the default roster of fighters. The good news is that it makes the perilous jump almost seamlessly. Having performed extremely well as an app on both iOS and Android devices, it was only a matter of time before Unreal Engine 3-based punch-‘em-up Real Boxing made its way to Sony’s handheld.

Real boxing